Lazy Eights

Lazy Eight

  1. Perform clearing turns
  2. Adjust the pitch and power to maintain altitude and set cruise power
  3. Pick 45°, 90°, and 135° reference points on or out to the horizon
  4. From a straight and level flight, initiate a climbing turn (simultaneously increase bank and pitch slowly) in the direction of the 45° reference point
  5. At the 45° reference point the maximum pitch up (highest) attitude should be achieved with a 15° bank angle continuing to increase to 30°
  6. From the 45° reference point, while allowing the bank angle to continue increasing, allow the pitch to decrease so that at the 90° reference point the maximum bank angle (30°) is achieved and the pitch attitude is passing through level flight at minimum airspeed (5-10 knots above VS
  7. From the 90° reference point, allow the pitch attitude to continue decreasing and initiate a slow decrease in the bank angle, continuing a descending turn in the direction of the 135° reference point
  8. At the 135° reference point, the maximum pitch down (lowest) attitude should be achieved with a 15° bank angle continuing to decrease to 0°
  9. From the 135° reference point, continue decreasing the bank angle while allowing the pitch to increase so that the airplane returns to the entry airspeed and altitude by the 180° reference point
  10. From the 180° point, immediately commence a climbing turn in the opposite direction, repeating the steps above
  11. Upon completion of the maneuver, resume normal cruise
  12. Complete cruise flow/checklist

Lazy Eights Common Errors:

