Marcelle mostert spectrum human services act prg

Spectrum Health’s Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program is an NYSOMH-certified evidence-based practice that serves clients across Erie County, designed to give our clients the tools that they need in order to thrive in a community.

Our professional staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, vocational specialists, and peer advocates who are excited to offer convenient, community-based, or in-home programs for people of all ages. We offer a number of programs to help you or your loved one get to where they’re going.

Day-to-day self management

Locations Offered

Erie County ACT Program

Cattaraugus County ACT Program

Niagara County ACT Program

Locations Offered

Erie County ACT Program

Cattaraugus County ACT Program

Niagara County ACT Program

What to Expect

Our Commitment

Kindness & Compassion

We have a well-trained and compassionate staff here to help you and to answer any and all your questions about our community-based services.

Acceptance & Confidentiality

We believe that each person is to be valued, an it takes a large step of courage to ask for help. We promise to honor that step by treating you with respect, and keeping everything that is shared between us.

Support & Encouragement

We believe that with the right tools and help, that you can overcome anything. We’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

Toni-Steinbarth | Managing Director of ACT Services

You're not alone in this.

I believe in people. Everyone's journey and path is different, and what is important is THEIR definition of what the goal is, not mine. My job is to support and help not judge.

Toni Steinbarth

Managing Director of Community Based Treatment

Help is Here

Our Experience

Spectrum offers a variety of community-based services to reach individuals in Western New York with behavioral health needs.

Our professional staff includes psychiatrists, nurses, vocational specialists, and peer advocates who are excited to offer convenient, community-based programs for people of all ages. We offer a number of programs to help you or your loved one get to where they’re going.

As one of the largest mental health outpatient providers in Western New York, we take pride in our unique and individual treatment approach. We provide highly specialized, evidence-based treatment procedures that lead to sustainable recovery for our clients. Our feedback-informed treatment strategy allows us to gather information from our clients to learn what’s effective so that we can better direct our services.

Spectrum’s Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program is a NYSOMH-certified evidence-based practice. This multidisciplinary program serves clients across Erie County.

Our team of professionals offers in-home and community-based Assertive Community Treatments. Services offered may include housing assistance, money management, work assessment and training, personal care, shopping, cooking, self-management, and medication administration.