Pro Bono Pledge Program
If you are in need of legal help, please visit or for additional resources.
ATJI’s Pro Bono Pledge Program does not provide legal advice or services, it is solely a program offered to our law students. Seattle University School of Law students cannot provide legal assistance either.
Take the Pro Bono Pledge!
Seattle U Law students are encouraged to pledge to complete at least 100 hours* of legal pro bono and community volunteer work before they graduate.
*Part-time and JD Global Accelerated students may complete 50 hours; masters/LLM students may complete 30 hours
- Designed to encourage law students to build their legal and leadership skills in service to the community.
- Connects students with pro bono opportunities
- Completely voluntary
- Students who meet their pledge goals are recognized for their contributions at the end of each school year and at graduation.
How to participate
Follow our 3-step process:
STEP 1: Take the Pledge
Interested students, at any point between their start date and the end of their final semester, may pledge online.
- By signing the Pledge, you commit to contribute at least 100 hours of pro bono legal and volunteer services during your enrollment at Seattle University School of Law. (50 hours for part-time and JD Global Accelerated students; 30 hours for masters/LLM students)
- By signing the Pledge you also acknowledge that you have reviewed the relevant rules of professional responsibility.
- Although we encourage all students to participate, the Pledge Program is voluntary and there are no penalties for not enrolling or for enrolling and later not completing your pledged goals.
- 75 of 100 hours (or 75% total hours) must be considered legal pro bono activity. The remaining hours may include a broader range of community volunteer (public service) activity. See our guidelines for eligible activities.
- To stay on track for graduation and to be considered for yearly recognition by ATJI and the Dean's Office, we suggest target goals for each year:
- 20 hours during 1L Year (starting with your first day of classes)
- 40 hours during 2L year (including the summer before 2L year)
- 40 hours during 3L year (including the summer before 3L year)
- Part-time and JD Global Accelerated students are asked to complete 1/2 the hours of their full-time counterparts.
STEP 2: Find eligible opportunities
There is a wide range of pro bono and volunteer activity out there, and we can help you find the right opportunity. is a great place to start!
To be eligible for the pledge, work must be:
- For a nonprofit or public entity
- On behalf of individuals or groups who are underserved or of limited means (or for organizations that serve those individuals or groups)
- Uncompensated
- Not for academic credit (with some credit or compensation exceptions)
- Completed while you are enrolled at Seattle U Law (or during summers).
- Supervised by an attorney or law faculty member (certain exceptions described in our guidelines for eligible activities).
- For more definitions and details about what activity is eligible, visit our Pro Bono Pledge FAQ.
Find an Opportunity
- Access to Justice Institute ConnectSU
- Resources to help you find an opportunity
Already Volunteering?
- You do not need to obtain advance approval for participation
- Contact ATJI with eligibility questions
Additional considerations
- 1Ls: While 1Ls are encouraged to participate in the Pro Bono Program, we recognize the time constraints and pressures of the first year of law school, and encourage all first year students to be thoughtful about taking on additional responsibilities and identifying placements that do not necessarily require advanced research, writing, or client skills.
- Professional Responsibility: