Provisionally Licensed Lawyer Search
Provisionally Licensed Lawyers are licensed to practice law under the supervision of a lawyer.
To search for a Provisionally Licensed Lawyer (PLL), please enter the PLL's name (first name, last name; full name; or license number). If you know the name of the supervising lawyer, you may also search by their name (first name, last name; or full name). Punctuation is not required.
Look up Provisionally Licensed Lawyers
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Provisional License Status Definitions
Provisionally Licensed Lawyer (PLL) is no longer able to practice law in California for one of the following reasons:
- The PLL may have passed the CA bar examination and is now a licensed California attorney. Please check the State Bar public website to confirm this.
- The PLL did not receive a positive determination on their moral character application.
- The PLL’s positive moral character determination has expired.
- The PLL violated California Rule of Court 9.49, or failed to comply with the rule, which has resulted in termination from the program.
- The PLL has voluntarily terminated their participation in the program.
Provisionally Licensed Lawyer Profile
Carlos Mica Dominguez #10245 - DEFAULT / TEST / ERROR
License Status: Active [8-24-2020]
Supervising Attorney: Perry Mason
Employer's Name & Address:
Turner & Turner LLC
453 S. Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90017